A Non-Enzymatic Method to Obtain a Fat Tissue Derivative Highly Enriched in Adipose Stem Cells (ASCs) from Human Lipoaspirates: Preliminary Results.

Adipose tissue possesses phenotypic gene expression characteristics that are similar to human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Nevertheless, the multilineage potential may be inhibited, and cells may not expand adequately to satisfy the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP).

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Bio-automatic separator for extracting stromal vascular fraction from adipose tissue.

Stem cells are fascinating and elusive. To study them, researchers initially applied traditional methods, but quickly realized they needs to be adjusted to complied with the features of this new field of research.  This process of technological and methodological innovation continues till today and makes this branch of research very dynamic.

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Use of tissues rich in MSCs in the treatment of diabetic and artheriopatic ulcers of lower limbs.


Ulcers represent the heaviest social and economic burden among diabetes complications, being the reason of long follow-up in outpatient services, increased hospitalizations as well as drastic QOI lowering for patients affected. The lifetime risk for a diabetic patient to develop an ulcer is 25%, and the lesion will lead to major or minor amputation in at least 14 % of patients affected. In diabetic artheriopathic patients, the entity of skin ulcers may compromise limb healing and salvage despite the

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Body Jet System confirms its leadership in Lipofilling.

The benefits of the Body Jet system in lipofilling interventions in terms of minimal trauma on donor tissue and a high cell viability of the removed tissue, with particular reference to the mesenchymal cells of the SVF, are already known and reported on this blog last April 2, 2014. the news comes from some preliminary studies that largely confirm the superiority of the results offered by body Jet system to other devices regard the removal of fat tissue.

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La Rigenerazione comincia con la Disgregazione

La rigenerazione dei tessuti danneggiati da traumi, neoplasie, o inevitabili demolizioni chirurgiche, rappresenta da sempre il “sogno” dei chirurghi ricostruttori.  Certamente negli ultimi decenni, soprattutto dopo lo sviluppo della microchirurgia, le metodiche  hanno acquisito  la capacità di riparare efficacemente le lesioni tessutali, ma  il “gold standard” del futuro è rappresentato  dalla induzione alla rigenerazione dei tessuti, ovvero dalla completa “restitutio ad integrum” dei tessuti lesi e relativo ripristino sincrono della funzione .

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